Join businesses who've built great pension experiences for thousands of employees

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"It's been great to see a previously unnoticed employee benefit be talked about so positively around the business."

Eleni Kalemi
People Manager

Eleni Kalemi People Manager Jobandtalent

Employees love using Penfold

Happy Penfold pension savers
Saved in pension pots
Transferred pensions from old providers

But don't just take our word for it...

"Penfold have the tools and service to make you think and feel confident about your future, and help you make the right decisions along the way."

"I really can’t imagine losing the visibility and slick experience Penfold's app provides and so will be sticking with Penfold throughout my career."

"Penfold opened my eyes to what value a pension can actually bring you. I now have full control with Penfold as my source of truth for all pensions!"