Salary Sacrifice Calculator
When your employees give up part of their salary to be paid into their pension, they pay less National Insurance on their income and so does your organisation. See how much everyone saves below.
Tell us two things about your company
Your results
With Salary Sacrifice your company could save
£34,500 per year
And, a combined saving for all employees of
£30,000 per year
Here's how we worked that out:
This is the standard salary employees usually sacrifice
This is how much you'll save in National Insurance contributions per employee

Find out how to save £34,500 every year with salary sacrifice
Get in touch for a free consultation on introducing salary sacrifice where you work.
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What is salary sacrifice?
How is salary sacrifice calculated?
Let's look at this from an employee's perspective and an employer's perspective.
Meet Rachel, who earns £50k per year.
- She currently pays 5% of her earnings into a workplace pension scheme. Her employer adds a further 3%, so her total yearly pension contribution is £4k per year.
Rachel agrees to a 5% salary reduction with her employer. This works out at £2.5k, the the same amount she was contributing annually to her pension.
Her employer pays that £2.5k into the pension scheme directly. Her salary is now £47.5k. This is her salary sacrifice.
Because her gross salary is lower, she pays less tax, so her take-home pay increases by £300 per year.
Bauble recently took on their 100th employee and their annual salary bill is £5m. This means they pay National Insurance of £564k each year.
To help employees take home more of their income, Bauble offer salary sacrifice.
If every employee took them up on 5% salary sacrifice their National Insurance bill is reduced to £530k.
Bauble stands to save up to £34.5k each year by introducing salary sacrifice.
This information is relevant for tax year 23/24, 6th July 2023 - 5th April 2024.
How do tax thresholds change how much my employees save?
For earnings above the primary National Insurance Contribution threshold of £12,570 employees can save 8% of the amount sacrificed on earnings. They can save 2% on earnings above the upper earnings limit of £50,270. These thresholds and limits are accurate for tax year 23/24, 6th July 2023 - 5th April 2024.
How is my pension calculated?
How much salary do employees usually sacrifice?
Is there anything else I should consider?
There are a few situations where salary sacrifice may not be the right choice:
- You won’t be able to reduce an employee’s earnings below minimum wage
- Any life insurance or loan applications that are linked to salary may be affected by salary sacrifice. This can usually be resolved with an additional letter to the lender explain the arrangement, but it’s worth double checking if employees are applying for a loan or mortgage.
- Statutory maternity and paternity pay is usually calculated on average weekly earnings, so employees could receive less if your overall salary is reduced